
We help companies and consultants close the gap between strategy and execution, with AI. And because you found us through one of our partners, we are happy to give you access to our BluePrintAI Briefing, free of charge (regularly $999).

How is this different?

We give you a Blueprint for generating real business results

While everybody else in the AI space has been focusing on prompts and tools, we’ve been focusing on helping leaders generate actual business results with AI. Like increasing revenue, and decreasing costs.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Expanding my vision to see what AI can do for my business has been transformative. Simple’s direct approach leads to a simplification of the process and encourages new ideas to broaden the opportunities available.

Lei Comerford, Executive and Leadership Coach

Simple has demystified the use of AI, providing a community of like-minded individuals moving towards a shared goal of integrating AI into our businesses. The hands-on, exploratory approach, coupled with a clear goal to leverage AI in our businesses, is a golden combination.

Andrew Dornan, Leadership Coach & Coach Supervisor

Simple recognizes the entrepreneurial potential of AI and is on a mission to give that power to those who want to take immediate advantage of this once-in-generation opportunity. He's an experienced and generous guide, and I'm excited to join him on this journey.

Terri Lonier, Founder of the Solopreneur movement

What’s in it for you?

A clear plan for how to use AI in your business

We’ll show you how AI will impact your specific business, in your specific industry, and you’ll leave the briefing with a very clear picture of exactly what to do next.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Being taught how to anticipate where the real value of AI is going to be next and how to get there ahead of the crowd has been a game-changer. The practical, in-depth focus on business applications is unique.

Scott Henderson, Consultant

Learning how easy it is to use AI, saving lots of time from my initial AI projects, having hope that I can offer independent short trainings to serve the microlearning needs of organizational leaders and add another stream of business revenue.

Cathie Leimbach, President & Senior Trainer

Simple has given me the insight that I can become the authority in my niche. This is a testament to the practical application-focused approach of Simple, truly showing that AI can empower individuals and businesses to lead in their fields.

Avraham Lewis, Coach

How do you know this is real?

We’ve helped real business increase revenues and decrease costs

With our AI Blueprint, companies are seeing results on both sides of the profit equation - increasing revenues, and decreasing costs. One of our clients was able to decrease their IT costs by $11 million, and decrease their time to market from 18 months to 3 months.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Simple excels in embedding a high level of knowledge within a money-making framework. It is a step ahead with its business-building focus, providing a sophisticated yet easy-to-follow process. While others are still navigating prompt-building, Simple stands at the cutting edge, offering the most current and practical AI training.

Diane Lazarowicz, President

The mindset that Simple conveys and encourages everyone to have in order to see the limitless potential of the opportunity has been a game-changer. Also the discussions around frameworks as a way to solve problems has been priceless.

Rob Boutet, Entrepreneur

I've just begun and in two sessions I already have a new relationship with AI. Simple is introducing me to steps I can take to harness the power of AI within my business - and the steps are real-time applicable.

Mary Ostrowski, Business Owner

What’s holding you back?

A lack of a systemized process for applying Generative AI into your business model.

We’ll give you a step-by-step plan for understanding exactly where to start applying Generative AI in your business or consulting practice.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Simple has been monumental for my business. In mere hours, I've launched a new venture, thanks to lessons from the Academy. It's about transformative business development. The program simplifies complex concepts, empowering practical application and action. Truly a game changer.

Peter Liptak, CEO

Simple has transformed my approach to business. It focuses on practical AI applications for daily activities, sparking fresh, applicable ideas each day. Complexities are skillfully simplified, making AI an accessible tool rather than an intimidating concept. It's about taking action, making AI work for us, not the other way around.

Robert Doucette, President and Founder

Simple has truly demonstrated the transformative power of AI. It stands apart with its well-structured approach and tangible focus on generating income. The training not only provides ideas and information but guides us with a 'how-to' rolled out in an organized, scalable manner. I've explored various AI trainings, and what Simple offers is undoubtedly the best in the field."

Simon Hatherell, CEO, Vanilla Rentals

Who is to blame?

It’s not your fault. All you’ve been exposed to so far is noise.

All the mainstream media talks about is how the world is going to end, and social media is filled with noise about tools and prompts. We’ll help you separate the signal from the noise so you can benefit from AI before any of your competitors.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Understanding the quick development principles and different execution tactics has been a key takeaway. The Academy's pragmatic approach that doesn't require extensive technical knowledge is very accessible.

Steve Brody, CEO

Simple has been very helpful in explaining how AI will alter the way we do business. We're getting in at an early stage, aiming to become first movers in this revolutionary field.

Marian Howley, CEO

The Academy has unlocked an array of opportunities that I'd previously felt overwhelmed by. Now, I understand that there are so many more opportunities out there than I ever thought possible. The emphasis on action over overthinking is particularly valuable for business owners like myself.

Ginger Turner, Co-Owner

Why Now?

Gain the first mover advantage while you still can.

Almost every company will bake AI into their business model in the next 2 years. The ones that show up first and execute with excellence will gobble up market share, and keep it for years to come.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Simple stands out thanks to its distinct emphasis on taking action and achieving tangible outcomes. It goes beyond mere comprehension of AI principles and centers on leveraging AI to drive actual transformation and progress through AI enablement.

David Stubbs, Co-founder

Simple is a goldmine for anyone seeking to build an AI-driven business. It's more than just learning about AI; it's about gaining practical, actionable insights. The hands-on projects, interactive tutorials, and the vibrant community it fosters, all contribute to an enriched learning experience.

George Terry, General Manager

Applying AI concepts to solve business challenges has been the most valuable part of the Simple for me. The emphasis on action, problem-solving, and learning from like-minded innovators in the community, accompanied by real-time case studies, has made this experience truly valuable.

Jim Ball, Business Transformation Lead

Why should you trust us?

We’ve got hundreds of testimonials from happy members

We’ve been in the trenches for the last 6 months “doing the work,” and creating great results for business owners and consultants alike. That’s why we have over 100 testimonials already in a market where most “AI Experts” haven’t generated a single dollar of revenue.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Expanding my vision to see what AI can do for my business has been transformative. Simple’s direct approach leads to a simplification of the process and encourages new ideas to broaden the opportunities available.

Lei Comerford, Executive and Leadership Coach

Simple has demystified the use of AI, providing a community of like-minded individuals moving towards a shared goal of integrating AI into our businesses. The hands-on, exploratory approach, coupled with a clear goal to leverage AI in our businesses, is a golden combination.

Andrew Dornan, Leadership Coach & Coach Supervisor

Simple recognizes the entrepreneurial potential of AIand is on a mission to give that power to those who want to take immediate advantage of this once-in-generation opportunity. He's an experienced and generous guide, and I'm excited to join him on this journey.

Terri Lonier, Founder of the Solopreneur movement

How does it work?

A 30 Minute Briefing to launch your AI-Powered Future

You’ll answer a few simple questions, and we’ll use that information to give you your very own BluePrintAI that you’ll be able to put into action, immediately.

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Being taught how to anticipate where the real value of AI is going to be next and how to get there ahead of the crowd has been a game-changer. The practical, in-depth focus on business applications is unique.

Scott Henderson, Consultant

Learning how easy it is to use AI, saving lots of time from my initial AI projects, having hope that I can offer independent short trainings to serve the microlearning needs of organizational leaders and add another stream of business revenue.

Cathie Leimbach, President & Senior Trainer

Simple has given me the insight that I can become the authority in my niche. This is a testament to the practical application-focused approach of Simple, truly showing that AI can empower individuals and businesses to lead in their fields.

Avraham Lewis, Coach

How can you get started?

It’s Simple. Fill out the form and book a convenient time.

We’ll spend 30 minutes on Zoom, give you your BluePrintAI, and answer any questions you have about getting into action, immediately. It’s that Simple!

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.

Simple excels in embedding a high level of knowledge within a money-making framework. It is a step ahead with its business-building focus, providing a sophisticated yet easy-to-follow process. While others are still navigating prompt-building, Simple stands at the cutting edge, offering the most current and practical AI training.

Diane Lazarowicz, President

The mindset that Simple conveys and encourages everyone to have in order to see the limitless potential of the opportunity has been a game-changer. Also the discussions around frameworks as a way to solve problems has been priceless.

Rob Boutet, Entrepreneur

I've just begun and in two sessions I already have a new relationship with AI. Simple is introducing me to steps I can take to harness the power of AI within my business - and the steps are real-time applicable.

Mary Ostrowski, Business Owner

What do you have to lose?

Now that you know the opportunity

Now that you know the size of the opportunity and what’s at stake, you have 3 choices…

Option 3: Book your Briefing

Our BluePrintAI briefing sells for $999. But because you found us through one of our Partners, we are pleased to offer you this Briefing free of charge. Why? So that you think of us when you have further AI needs.